BrainTrust in home tutoring

How can I tell if my child is gifted?

Indicators of Mathematical Giftedness

  • Unusual curiosity about numbers and mathematical information
  • Ability to understand and apply ideas quickly
  • High ability to see patterns and think abstractly
  • Use of flexible and creative strategies and solutions
  • Ability to transfer a mathematical concept to an unfamiliar situation
  • Use of analytical, deductive, and inductive reasoning
  • Persistence in solving difficult and complex problems
[ Learn about Brain Trust Math Tutoring ]

Indicators of Scientific Giftedness

  • Strong curiosity about objects and environments
  • High interest in investigating scientific phenomena
  • Tendency to make observations and ask questions
  • Ability to make connections between scientific concepts and observed phenomena
  • Unusual ability to generate creative and valid explanations
  • Interest in collecting, sorting, and classifying objects
[ Learn about Brain Trust Science Tutoring ]

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Contact BrainTrust In-Home Tutoring today for more information about our programs for academically gifted students.