BrainTrust in home tutoring

Tips for Choosing the Right Foreign Language for Your Student

When choosing which foreign language to study, examine your child's interests. For instance, you could ask some of the following questions:

  1. Would you like to travel in Europe during high school or college?
  2. Would you like to travel in Mexico and South America during high school or college?
  3. Would you consider pursuing a major in the humanities?
  4. Do you like history, art history, English, or philosophy?
  5. Would you be interested in bilingual education?
  6. Where would you like to work? California? Texas? Hong Kong? Raleigh?

For instance, if your child wants to travel through Europe he or she could choose equally among French, Spanish or German. However, if she is more interested in South America, taking Spanish should be strongly considered.

" (Tutor) is very nice and (student) likes her. They are covering quite a bit and I was able to talk with (tutor) about the teacher's expectations after attending open house last week. All in all a great fit. "
French III, Raleigh

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Your child can achieve mastery of both the written and spoken word. Contact BrainTrust In-Home Tutoring today for more information about our foreign language tutoring and ESL tutoring programs.